According to the recent Schools Inspector's reports among the school's strong points there may be found: good school leaving exam results, a wide range of after-class activities, being faithful to the school tradition, friendly school atmosphere, involved school community, qualifications raising and self development of the teachers, professionalism of the headmaster and the care about the outward image. Our recently introduced innovation is the 'electronic parent- teacher meeting' which enables parents to access their children's school result reports (apart from regular meetings in person being held at school) on regular basis. Since 2005/6 we have executed innovative project by dividing the school year into 3 trimesters in order to ensure efficient exam preparation for the students. In our school there are 20 classes (including 2 computer rooms), a library with the Internet access in the reading room and 2 sports fields (including one with artificial surface). Wireless Internet can also be accessed in the whole building. The students are provided with medical care as well. Our school as one of the few was awarded with the International ISO 9001:2000 Certificate (until 2006).
In 2006 our school was also the most popular upper secondary school in Zielona Góra - based on Poznañ computer centre data.
Both teachers and students have formed the school history since 1974. During this time the school has already had 3 headmasters. The position was previously held by M.A. Stanis³awa Dziok (1974-1991) and M.A. Aleksandra Mrozek (1991-2005). Since 1st September 2006 PhD Zbigniew Ko¶cik has been the school headmaster. Another important point in the school history is the first traditional ball which was organised by the secondary education third form students a hundred days before their final exam in 1978.
In 1987 professor Tadeusz Kotarbiñski was chosen as the school patron, which must have been a unique experience for the students who were introduced to his family.
'Kotarboscars' are one of the school traditions - these are awards named after the school patron and granted by students to teachers in honour of their professional work and pedagogical attitude.
It's hard to believe that so many students have already graduated from this school and later on entered well known universities. We take pride in the fact that among new generation do appear our graduates' children. We do believe that this tradition will be cherished.
- Subject circles
- European Club 'Vox populi'
- Theatre circle 'More than 3rd'
- 'Dark Rose' Order
- Literary circle
- Discussion club
- School band 'elo3'
- Sports activities
Cooperation with Bischofliches Gymnasium JOSEPHINUM in Hindenberg (Germany)
Our students take part in many competitions. Our recent achievements are:
- Krzysztof Walkowiak - laureate (2007). He took part in Knowledge of European Union competition,
- I-st place in Knowledge of European Union competition for Piotr Natkañski, Jacek Archanio³owicz and Bartosz Michalak,
- III-rd place in a competition 'My School in EU' for Katarzyna Walczak, Bartosz Michalak and Piotr Natkañski,
- Piotr Natkañski - laureate of History Competition - local stage,
- Marek Goæwiñski and Mateusz Uberna - laureates of local Enterprise Competition,
- III-rd place in History Competition for Maciej G±da,
- Pawe³ Patryka - laureate of the second stage of Chemistry Competition,
- Marek Biszczanik and Aleksandra Pêdzio³ - laureates of the second stage of German language competition,
- honourable mention for Micha³ Krauze in Recitation Competition,
- I-st place in Recitation Competition for Piotr Nowakowski,
- II-nd place for Elena Marciniak and III-rd place for Piotr Nowakowski in Recitation Competition devoted to K.I. Ga³czyñski works,
- III-rd place for Olga Kurdyk in German Language Poetry Competition,
- honourable mention for Agnieszka Jokiel in French Song competition,
- I-st place in Song competition for Agnieszka Jokiel and honourable mention for Paula Peliñska,
- III-rd place in 'Lingwanalia' Language Competition for Olga Kurdyk,
- II-nd place in Recitation Competition devoted to C.K.Norwid works for Aleksandra B±k,
- honourable mention for Bartosz buczacki in 'One Poem Recitation Competition',
- II-nd place in our region for Agnieszka Kostowska in EU Fund Competition,
Our school had an International ISO Certificate (until 2006) as one of very few schools in Poland,
a. school building area monitoring,
b. electronic parent- teacher meeting,
c. 'Student Friendly School' certificate,
d. 'School as a Friend' certificate,
e. Certified Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
Our school organises numerous events e.g. 'Poezja bez granic', 'Turniej jednego wiersza o laur Profesora Kotarbiñskiego', 'Kultura Krajów Obszaru Anglojêzycznego', 'Turniej ortograficzny o Z³ote Pióro Muzy'.
The school cooperates with The Cronenberg Fund in a scope of economy and it takes part in Youth Enterprising programmes.
It has also initiated cooperation with Norwegian and Swedish Embassies taking part in the field competition 'Skandynawia - daleka czy bliska'.
There is also an association 'Educacja dla Przysz³o¶ci' which provides educational assistance for students.
III LO has been chosen, among one hundred other schools in Poland and out of four others in the region, as the partner of pedagogical publishing house ZamKor and the Education for Enterprising Association to realize an innovative program ‘I Opt for E-physics'. This unique, innovative, blended learning program aims at combining in-class work, supervised by
a teacher, with self-development by the use of multimedia e-learning course. Due to participation in the program, the first form students are enabled to experience a modern interactive physics course and conduct specially designed experiments. Additionally, the students will soon attend lectures run by academics from higher education institutions in Poland.
III LO has signed together with the Institute of Physics at the University of Zielona Góra,
a contract, due to which the students who specialize in Sciences and Medicine will have the opportunity to attend lectures and seminars run by academics of the Institute, which will be specially designed and altered for the needs of the comprehensive school students who would like to extend their knowledge of the Sciences.
Some of the lectures will be attended in the school building while others will be attended in the institute labs.
III LO, together with the Marshal Office, organised the Congress under the title Lubuskie Voivodeship - the Region of the Youth Civil Initiative. The aim of the event was to encourage young people to help the underprivileged, protect the environment or undertake patriotic actions in the region. The event was co-financed from the EFS fund and the guest of honour was the president of Poland, Bronis³aw Komorowski.
IIILO in the Polish Operas.
Fanopera school club was founded many years ago not only for opera but also classical music, in general, lovers. The members have been learning about classical music authors' work and watching world fame performances on DVD. Most importantly, however, they have been appreciating live performances in the theatres of Poznañ and Wroc³aw.
The School Voluntary Club of the Eight unites the students of the first, second and third form, who act nationally, locally and inside the school itself. Apart from participating in the school run actions, every voluntary accomplishes an individual task like visiting a hospice or
a therapeutic room, helping the ill or taking care of animals in the shelter. The members meet monthly to report on current accomplishments, outline the future initiatives, receive and offer feedback or brainstorm new ideas. The range of opportunities is constantly extending so every student is openly invited to join the club.
III Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. prof. Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego ul. Strzelecka 9 tel/fax. (68) 327 05 28/(68) 327 05 28 sekretariat@lo3.pl